The road side beggar who built two houses

There is this roadside beggar I will always give a little change on my way to work. He usually sits amongst a group of beggars.
He knows me very well. He would pretend not to see me coming from a distance until I am very close to him then he would turn and greet me.
Three days ago, my colleagues and I went to greet the security man at our working place who fell ill. We took a shortcut and landed in this Hausa settlement.
Guess who I saw seated opposite the security man’s house receiving fresh air.
The beggar.
He was even on a phone call with a very good android phone in his hands.
Neatly dressed.
He saw me and pretended not to even know me.
I waved him.
He waved back.
Before we left the security man’s house, I asked him about the beggar outside.
It turned out that the beggar is the landlord of the security man. He is married to 3 wives and has 7 children.
Begging is what he does for a living.
Yesterday, I passed and saw the beggars on the road.
That particular beggar was amongst them.
Same position.
He tried to hide his face when he saw me.
I dropped money in each beggars plate and also extended it to his plate and moved on.
Never change because people are not what they seem to be. Keep doing the good you do because you know it is the right thing to do.
This morning I passed and he was no more there again.

My name is Praises Chidera Obiora and I am the best at what I do.