How prayers healed my wife – Man shares

For a week now, my wife has been suffering from a tormenting boil that has continued to grow under her armpit. This boil had become very painful. She visited the chemist very close to us and was prescribed a drug to help dry up the boil.
During this period, I took up certain responsibilities in the house and assisted her where she could not perform efficiently. I cooked, washed, cleaned, and ensured she had enough rest. I was also there to bathe her as she found it hard to bring down her arms.
I watched as she moaned in pain and cried at night. Sometimes when she squeezed my hands and dug her fingers in my skin when the boil under her arm began to hurt, I sucked in the pain I felt and held her close.
It was not easy for her.
This morning, I woke her up to have her bath so she could prepare for church. But she reminded me of the pains she was feeling.
“Tade, I can’t go. It hurts. It hurts so much.” She moaned.
She told me how painful it had become and how she had found it hard sleeping during the night. I felt it with my hands to confirm its size.
It was still big.
For the first time in a long time, I went to church alone. But while in Church, I couldn’t stop praying for her. I remembered we never prayed about the boil she felt. I told God about her situation and what I wanted. I told him to take the pains away so I can have my happy wife back. At some point, I cried when I remembered all I have gone through during the week.
I got back home after church to find my wife in the kitchen. She was cooking lunch. When she saw me, she embraced me.
I asked her about her arm and the boil. She felt it with her hands and told me the pains had reduced but the size was still there.
This evening, the pains stopped completely and the size of the boil had melted.
I told my wife about my prayers and how I had cried to God to heal her.
What we were seeing was the effects of an answered prayer.
Why did I share this?
Many of our situations could be solved if we sincerely cry out to God for help and solutions. He is ever ready to help us. He listens and he is still in the act of performing miracles.
Cry out to him today.

My name is Praises Chidera Obiora and I am the best at what I do.